Friday, October 24, 2008


Mom was teasing me that today was our bonding day. She always takes me on Fridays to get my chemo pump removed. Oh joy! =-)

Not sure why....but today I was extremely nauseated! We had already left for our 9:30 appt. and I didn't think I was going to make it without getting sick. Mom turned around and came back home to get my anti-nausea medicine, which I had already taken at 3 am.

By the time I made it into my appt. I was very nauseated and upset from feeling so sick. The nurse immediately called the doctor and they started me on fluids, more steriods, and anti-nausea medicine. I'm not sure why but as soon as they started the IVs I wanted to get up and start walking around. The steriods make you very nervous and jittery but they help calm the nausea. It is such a bait and switch. However, now that it is evening, I can tell that the IVs have made me better. I came home and mom put me back on my pain killers so I could sleep and now I'm feeling more normal again.

Mom calls our Fridays our bonding time. However, we bonded a long time ago so this bonding time is unnecessary as I can think of many fun things we could be doing. Thank the Lord she is able to work 4 10 hr. days so she is able to take me to these appts. Steve put his hours into 4 days so he can take me on Wednesdays. The Lord always has a way of putting things in place to make a bad situation into the best possible. I would not want to have to rely on so many other people, as the wait times, etc. at Emory are unbelievable and I wouldn't want to always feel guilty on top of feeling sick.

One awesome thing the nurse did tell me on Wednesday when they started my chemo treatement is that my numbers (all my cell counts, etc.) were really good. She was surprised they were so good as far as I'm into my treatments. Some of them are right on the low end, such as my white blood count was 3.6 and the low end of the scale they like to see is 3.6 but they expected to see much lower.

I told her that so many bring dinner over during my chemo treatments and as a result of this, I'm always tasting a variety of things. I don't have a very large appetite but because of the generosity I always take a little bit of whatever is prepared and this is probably why my counts are staying up. The nurse replied that is probably one of the reasons and not to change a thing. I also know that it is not just the food but all the wonderful prayers, thoughts, care and concern that so many give. All these things are making this journey probably the best that could happen under the circumstances.

I just thank the Lord for his blessings and for each one of you! I pay attention to every card, blog comment, words of encouragement, etc. This is what keeps my spirit up and helps me mentally go take another treatment. Every chemo treatment is different for each person and affects them differently. Mentally going in and knowing that you will probably get another sympton on top of the symptons you've already had is not easy. I've always been a very strong person but this is not what I would have subscribed to show the strength that God gives to get us through. However, I try to live by God's will and not my own so therefore I must accept what HE has for our lives.

Another prayer request, my neice, Amber who is pregnant is in Cobb General Hospital for the weekend with bladder and kidney infection. Please pray for her and her family. She could use a special touch on her body and her spirit. Pray that she finds guidance through this time in her life. She is a sweet young lady but really needs to find "real" direction in her life for true peace and happiness.

That's all folks! Have a wonderful weekend! Love to the Lord and all of you! Thank you for being a part of my makes my days have worth.
Leah :-)


Anonymous said...


Thank you for the prayer request on behalf of Amber. That was very sweet of you. I went to see her at the hospital tonight and she was telling me how she enjoyed talking with you when you called her tonight. I will be lifting you up in prayer and hope this weekend is the best!! Love to all of you over there..


Anonymous said...

These are the things cancer cannot do -- and the things it can never take away.

“It cannot cripple love, it cannot shatter hope, it cannot corrode faith, it cannot kill friendship,” and “It cannot destroy peace.”
When you are down and feel like you can't go on....just remember you have a whole host of family and friends who are lifting you up in prayer daily.

Donna said...

I so appreciate the words that anonymous left in the previous blog. Oh, how true. It is so wonderful to know that nothing can separate us from the love of God & the strength that He gives. Nothing can come our way unless Jesus allows it to. He is a wonderful Saviour!
Donna New