Friday, October 17, 2008

Off to have my biopsy at Emory today!

I'm dreading another day at the hospital with needles, cuts, etc. but this will resolve the issues with any breast malignancies and will ultimately be a victory day. :-) However, as someone so eloquently put...when God closes one door, he opens another, sometimes it is BAD in the hallway.
How true that is....getting from point A to point B in this process is very tiring. Most days I just go through it and try not to dwell on it....other days, I just want it over!! Hospital visits after hospital visits all for me....UGH....!

For my biopsy, they will take 8 tissue samples and will send them off so we won't know anything for 3-5 business days. So, hopefully I will know something next week when I go back in for my chemo treatment....I hate to think about that again too!!

I'm up and not feeling well so you can tell everything is getting to me. This is not usually how I deal with things but tonight I guess is an exception. So please bear with is going to be okay I know. This too shall pass! :-)

I will leave with this thought that my daughter, Angela sent to me. Thank you Angela!

Happiness keeps You Sweet,
Trials keep You Strong,
Sorrows keep You Human,
Life keeps You Humble,
Success keeps You Glowing,
But Only
God keeps You Going!

Please pray for a great victory from my biopsy today!
Love to all,


Linda Shanks said...

Good morning Leah,
I am praying for a blessed day today and for God to give you all the strength you will need. I pray that God will give you a day completely without pain. In Psalm 46:1 the bible say, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble". We serve an awesome God who loves you and will shine his light on you. My prayers are for God to go before you today and be that strength you need. You are an awesome example of someone with complete trust in God. I am inspired by the letters you leave daily.
You are in my prayers daily!
Love ya,
Linda Shanks

Anonymous said...

I am still praying that God will help you thru all of this.
2 Corinthians:12:9
My grace is sufficient for thee:
for my strength is made perfect in weakness.
