Thursday, August 28, 2008

Down but not Out!

Not feeling so well today. I have the flu aches and pains and nausesa keeps trying to set in but I have so far managed it with the strong steriods and medicine. Nonetheless, it has been a restless day from very cold to hot.

I took my body temp. which usually runs around 97.5 avg. and it has run from 95.5 to 95.9 today, which is probably a big reason I don't feel so grand (my nose is cold to the touch). I've still managed to eat toast, crackers, and such today to try and maintain my energy.

I tried my marathon a couple of times to make myself feel better. I just think it is going to take time, after all this is the second day I've had chemo pumping into my veins with another day to go. Weirdest thing, Dekota (the youngest and most protective dog) was laying on my lap most of the day (very much enjoying the new recliner) and he gets up and gets sick on the floor! Go figure.....he is supposed to be supporting me, not paving the way. ha. Check out Dakota resting in his new recliner below....

Although today hasn't been the best, I know it could get a whole lot worse so I thank God for another great day! :-)

I also want to thank all those who took time today to e-mail, leave messages on my blog, send cards, etc. As I stated, this is the first time I've looked at anything today but I do look and it is very encouraging. Also, I want to thank all those who have brought food and are bringing food. At first, I was having a hard time accepting all the help but soon realized that I can't do it and it really is a huge help to my family. I just hate being the reason for all the energy.

Anyway, I read over my pathology report again and they actually found two different tissues in the same breast that has to be reviewed. Again, these may only be cysts. It isn't anything I've noticed on my own. Whenever you have colon cancer it raises the risk for other cancer, most notably breast cancer. Again, this is only a concern not determined and I'm not going to accept it to be anything to be concerned. The only concern now is how in the world do I have a mammogram with the port cath right at my collar bone? I don't feel like having another exam either. Oh well....another day to figure that all out.

I had visitors today. My sister-in-law was so kind to rub my legs with lotion since I was in so much pain and my sister was kind enough to keep up with my medicine and the little lunch I was able to get down. They left when I fell asleep on them. Sorry about that....this is why it is all called a by blind faith, not knowing what's around the bend but knowing that whatever it going to be worth the time on the road.
Thank you everyone for your constant prayers and concern! As I state many times, it is your love, prayers and concern that keep me motivated and focused.


Unknown said...

Thinking about you every single day. As always you are in my thoughts and prayers. Love You Bunches
Vickie& Joseph

Kim Heine said...


Sorry that we are not able to be there with you, but know that you are constantly on my mind and in my heart. We serve a faithful God!

We love you,