Monday, June 29, 2009

Have you ever had so much to do that you ignore it all?

This is the way I feel today. I have so much work to do at work and so much at home that I'm having a hard time getting anything done. I need to turn into an octupus to be able to reach all the areas that need something done. I guess we all feel that way, huh?

I'm working on a multi-billion dollar contract right now which is the most stressful part of my job. I have a credit performance meeting with the Executive team at another large lender I've just taken on in 2 weeks so I will be on the road again. I've just taken them on and now I get to go share the news of the things that are/aren't working well...oh joy, what a way to break the ice! Here I am and here's your report card, "F". I'll be back in a couple of months to review you again. See ya! ha.

A month after that I will be in Cincinnati at one of lenders shops to be part of an audit of the Corporation. It seems like I'm going to be doing alot of traveling to keep up with everything. I've finally started getting into the groove a little. Some days I would wonder if I was really going to be able to do it. There is no "slow" in this business. It is like jumping on a roller coaster and trying to slow it down with your feet...impossible. I've been back to work a month after being off for almost a year so I think I may expect too much of myself too quickly. All in a day's work for the young'uns.

I can't wait until they get their degrees and really working so I can lay on their beds and say, "man, I really need a new car....and not just anyone will do". "Can you buy me one, please?" Look at them with the sad face, puckered lip and tell them how much I love them....I just bet they will be jumping up with glee at the thought of doing something for me! Yeah right...! Somehow it doesn't work that way...:-) Sounds good though. They truly are our greatest joys in life.

I love my dogs but they don't live long enough. All you have to do is give them a bone every once in a while, feed, water and get their shots once a year and they are good to go. Always happy to see you, listens to all your troubles and never tells a soul and couldn't imagine being anywhere else but home.

This 4th of July I think we are going to stay home and plant some landscaping and deep clean the house. Oh doesn't that sound like fun? We tore out the landscaping in front of our house last year and then I got sick so unfortunately, it left our house bare and looking sick too! We are trying to find a good nursery for inexpensive but a nice tree to plant in front of the house (can't grow very big) and other types of shrubs etc. Steve went by Home Depot by our house and said what was there was pretty pitiful looking. We don't really know what we are doing but we at least know when plants/trees, etc. look healthy.

Well, gonna home a few minutes early to miss the traffic...was thinking a nice nap sounded good.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Vernie said...

Hey Leah! You sound like you are almost back full-speed! I guess that can be good or bad, depending on which way you look at it, huh? Well take it easy whenever you can and don't forget we are still here for you and I still send up prayers that your strength and healing come in due time. Smell the roses, don't miss a chance to receive and share love. You've been thru a storm, thank God you made it thru, just as I thank God for allowing me to share this part of your life with you. As you mend, do as you have so many times, give thanks. I admire that ability in many people I know and thru the years I have tried to mirror that. Even when the road is rough, like you have, I try to be ever so gracious in my thanks and praises.

Take it slow and easy, you got so much more to do!

Love you much! Vernie