Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Leaving for Emory in the morning....

My first appt. is at 8 am. in the lab to put the lines in my chest and to take blood. We, of course will be there all day. We will need to leave around 6:30 am. to make the appt. I hear it is supposed to rain which will slow down traffic. Oh joy! ha.

Just pray that this is the last of chemo forever.

Remember if I don't blog for a few days, it is because physically I just can't do it....but I'll be back on as soon as I can. Usually the first few days I'm on alot of medicine and steriods so they keep me so jacked up that I'm usually acting alot better than probably what I am....then within 3 days, I'm out.

So, hang in there....we will too and we'll meet here again.

Love to all,

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We'll be right here Leah, your entire cheering squad, waiting for you to feel well enough to entertain and inspire us! Praying that this treatment will be gentle on you, and that God will carry you thru this journey as he has done with the ones before. May the sun shine upon you, even on this rainy day in Georgia. Your name is being lifted for prayer.
